Oustanding nightview from space of the North and South Korean border

Korea nightview from space - Seoul
Nasa has released images of the World seen from space. These outstanding nightviews give an interesting insight on the economical development of countries.

The images of the border between South and North Korea clearly show the difference in terms of economical develpment.

Korea nightview from space - South and North Korean border
Click to enlarge

When I see this picture several details surprise me:

- In North Korea city's nightlights barely appear. On the contrary South Korea is totally covered of lights.

- On the South Korean side there are lights even in the sea (which I guess are fishing boats?).

- As one would expect, Seoul is the most lighted area.

Other views:
At the bottom of this first image you can see the maritime border between North and South Korea in the Yellow sea. It creates a surprising line of lights:

Asia nightview from space - Yellow sea

Nasa has released several high quality images that you can see on earthobservatory.nasa.gov here and here

A Google Earth kml file (click to download) is also available so you can move the globe freely and check any part of the world. I made this article's pictures using Google Earth.

And finally Nasa's video:

Seoul - King Sejong statue in Gwanghwamun Seoul - Gyeongbokgung palace Seoul - Temple in National Cemetery Seoul - Jeon Tae-il statue